|  |  | |  |  |  |  | Artist: | French, Daniel Chester, 1850-1931, sculptor. | Fjelde, Paul, 1892-1984, sculptor. | Hornbostel, Henry, architect. | Wood, Eric Fisher, architect. | Piccirilli, Massaniello, sculptor. | Piccirilli Brothers Marble Carving Studios, contractor. | Gorham Manufacturing Company, founder. | S. M. Siesel Company, contractor. |
| Title: | Westinghouse Memorial, (sculpture). |
| Date: | Dedicated Oct. 6, 1930. |
| Medium: | Sculpture and plaques: bronze; Exedra: black Norwegian granite. |
| Owner: | Administered by City of Pittsburgh, Citiparks, Department of Public Works, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | Located Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
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|  |  | |  |  |  |  | Artist: | Goddard, S. M., sculptor. | Eisen, Theodore, architect. | Hunt, Sumner, architect. | Goddard & Kilpatrick, architectural firm. | Pacific Marble and Granite, fabricator. |
| Title: | Seventh Regiment Monument, (sculpture). |
| Date: | 1900. Dedicated May 30, 1900. |
| Medium: | Sculpture: Vermont granite; Base: California granite. |
| Owner: | Administered by City of Los Angeles, Cultural Affairs Department, Public Art Division, Los Angeles, California | Located Pershing Square, Los Angeles, California |
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